Corporate Solutions

The Corporate Solutions division provides clients with expert and specialist advice and strategies to grow their business, diagnose and cure business challenges and obtain a competitive advantage in the marketplace, across a broad range of industries serving emerging to large-sized business. This division further supports clients by providing ancillary services, such as company secretarial and independent directorship services.

“Innovation is the forefront of Francom Consulting. We stay true to this statement as we believe there is always a better way.”

Charles Antoun

Our Consultants

Francom Consultants are highly proficient business executives whose knowledge is both applied and built upon by Francom Consulting methodologies. Consulting is an imperative part to understanding the true nature of your business and happens only by building a relationship to properly qualify and understand your business. Francom Consultants view your business from both a commercial and legal lens ensuring growth strategies are realistic, achievable, and compliant.

Our Approach

  • The Consultant is Francom Group’s first touchpoint to new client partnerships.
  • To have a heightened understanding of Francom’s entire product suite.
  • Gain in-depth knowledge of the entirety of your business.
  • Diagnose all facets of your business by using Francom Group tools and resources.
  • Provide oversite, project manage and coordinate all relevant Francom Group services and external specialist service providers.
  • Maintain business direction to achieve key business objectives and overcome major milestones.
  • Guide the client through their journey to success.


Trying to streamline operations and implement new technologies to find that better way?

Do you have effective HR policies & procedures that protect your business interests?

Finding it difficult to get a client to pay what is owed? Get paid what is rightfully yours.

Is your business agile enough to quickly shift focus to your customer’s needs?

First time buying or merging a new brand with your business? If not done correctly it is highly likely the intended growth initiative becomes a liability.

Have you and your board made bad executive decisions? Let us guide your decisions.

Is your brand scalable? Re-invent your brand and make it household worthy.

Unsure if your business is compliant? It can be a business’ downfall.

Does your Lease Agreement reflect all your legal rights? Are you a franchise system? Are you bound by the Retail Leasing Act (1994)? Call us and we’ll let you know.

Does your business structure protect your vision and goals?

Do you have a vision you cannot quite piece together? Let us help you and bring your vision to life.

Are the things that define your business protected? Don’t be vulnerable and protect what you build.

Is your business truly customer centric? Grow organically and utilize what you already have.

Talk to an Expert